Category: Episodes

Episode 9: A School District’s Ability to Discipline Students for Off-Campus Conduct

Episode 9: A School District’s Ability to Discipline Students for Off-Campus Conduct

With texting and social media, it seems as though the line between school and “not school” are blurred. School districts are often faced with determining whether they can discipline a student for their conduct while not at school. In this episode, we discuss a school district’s ability to discipline a student for off-campus conduct and go over court cases that analyze this issue.

Show Notes & References

For more information on the off-campus discipline issues discussed in this podcast, please visit our website at

Episode 8: The Rising Costs of the Public Records Act

Episode 8: The Rising Costs of the Public Records Act

This podcast addresses the tension between protecting personal information and the obligation to disclose public records.  Striking the wrong balance may burden either the local agency, or the individual employee, with significant costs.  Hear how best to contend with the money pitfalls of the CPRA.

Show Notes & References

Lozano Smith has created a Public Records Act checklist for public agencies, which can be downloaded at our website.

For more information on the California Public Records Act issues discussed in this podcast, please visit our website at

Episode 7: School Safety and New Guidance on Addressing School Violence

Episode 7: School Safety and New Guidance on Addressing School Violence

Preventing school violence and ensuring school safety have become dominant topics and part of an ongoing national conversation.  But what can a school district do, practically, to address these issues?  This podcast will examine two recently released resource documents from the Federal Bureau of Investigations and the United States Secret Service which provide guidance on preventing school violence as well as pending California legislation to improve school climate and safety.

Show Notes & References

For more information on the school safety issues discussed in this podcast, please visit our website at:

Episode 6: Navigating the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act in California

Episode 6: Navigating the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act in California

Lozano Smith attorneys discuss some of the important aspects of California’s future and complex history with groundwater. Topics include the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSA), pre-1914 water rights, and CEQA issues and evaluations. Additionally, they dive into various considerations as local governments adopt general plans and make decisions affecting groundwater and land use.

Show Notes & References:

For more information on the social media issues discussed in this podcast, please visit our website at:

Episode 3: Developing Law on Social Media Accounts of Government Officials

Episode 3: Developing Law on Social Media Accounts of Government Officials

Last year, the United States Supreme Court identified social media as “perhaps the most powerful mechanism available” today to make a person’s voice heard.  But can a government official block their constituents’ voices online?  At what point does a personal social media page become open to the public?  Join us as we discuss the ramifications of a recent federal district court case out of New York about President Trump’s personal Twitter account and the potential legal precedent being shaped now.

Show Notes & References:

For more information on the social media issues discussed in this podcast, please visit our website at:

Episode 2: Inclusivity Matters

Episode 2: Inclusivity Matters

Inclusivity is a mandate for all public entities – to create a positive, welcoming environment for all types of people and treat them fairly and equally.  The government must also be neutral with respect to politics and religion.  However, the rise of social justice movements in recent years have led public entities to carefully re-consider their policies, practices, and programs.  Thus, public entities walk the narrow path of affirming the rights of all without expressing support for a particular political viewpoint or ignoring systemic and procedural biases.  This podcast will discuss how local governments and school districts can act to work on providing an inclusive workplace and/or campus without limiting individual opinions and viewpoints.

Show Notes & References:

For more information about the topics discussed in this podcast, please visit our website at:

Episode 1: California Adds “Nonbinary” Gender Option to Identification Documents

Episode 1: California Adds “Nonbinary” Gender Option to Identification Documents

Last year, Governor Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill (SB) 179, known as the “Gender Recognition Act,” which adds a “nonbinary” gender option to state driver’s licenses, identification cards, and birth certificates.  Public entities will need to address the nonbinary gender option now available to employees and students on official documents.  This podcast will discuss SB 179, its implications on all public entities, and practical actions needed to prepare for the law’s implementation.

Show Notes & References:

For more information on SB 179 and the topics addressed in this podcast, please visit our website at: